
[[groovy musics: "veal shake" by mystery tank]]

1:12 p.m. // 21 July 2003

Now that I am no longer crammed in a van with five funny and nice people, I am totally B.O.R.E.D.

I am back from my ten-day tour with Jackson 8 and the Rick-Dustin half of Retro-Spectro. More on all that later in our upcoming one-off zine, called MYSTERY TANK GOES TO HOLLYWOOD. actually, no, there is no title yet.

Hunter and I had a deal where he would water my plants while I was away, and I would play with Coal the cat this week while he's on vacation. But we got home last night and EVERYTHING IS DEAD to the point of no return. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. practically the only things left alive are the cactus, a couple of boring houseplants and the thyme.

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